- KoolBak.com uses cookies on our website. These cookies allow the site to remember what you’ve put in your shopping cart, and allow your logged-in state to stay active.
- We do not store any credit card information. Actually, we don’t even have access to credit card info as it is handled by PayPal.
- We do store various aspects of order information such as your name, address, phone number, what you ordered, and when the order was placed for record keeping purposes.
- Our webservers store the IP addresses of visitors. These IP addresses show us what parts of the world our visitors come from, what parts of our website users visited, how much time was spent on the site, what web browser our visitors use, how our visitors reached our site (such as via a search engine) and the like.
- Please be assured that we will never sell, rent, or otherwise deliver your email address or other information to a third party.